HD592.1 Blue-Green Seascape
HD592.1 Blue-Green Seascape
Our designer-weaver was asked to think of a seascape in planning her warp and this is the result. She used resist patterning in her dyeing to vary the tones and color in her warp. These mix with the blue green, navy and light golden weft stripes to create interest and depth, movement and delight. She really got it all — the sea, the sky, the sand and clouds.
100% cotton resist-dyed handwoven
Warp ikat stripes
Light greens, yellow, blue, gold, navy, and pink
36" wide
Northern Thailand
This fabric is Certified Green Technology. The Thai Department of Environmental Quality trains and certifies dyers to use "Safe" dye techniques that don't pollute or adversely affect the health of the dyers.