KT8318 Just Right

KT8318 Just Right
KHANG is the brand used by Viengkham Nanthavongduangsy, a celebrated master weaver and designer in Vientiane Laos. In 2019 she visited us in Washington, DC and showed a video at the GWU Museum and Textile Museum on Laotian textiles and its weavers. This small scarf displays her skills in the use of natural dyes as learned from her Tai Daeng ancestors. The pale green you see is an indigo over dyed with bark. Other dye sources are annatto, lac, beetle palm, and lin mai. The soft lime green along the selvedge is a lovely surprise detail.
9.5” x 60”
Stripe pattern with red and green hues
Hand-woven, hand-dyed, organic silk.
100% organic silk